Review Archive
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Theatre and dance reviews since 2006.
Stephen K Amos
Auckland, Wellington
10/05/2007 - 19/05/2007
"Cyclic comedy with an uneven pace..
"A world-beating performance..
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Wedding Speeches
15/05/2007 - 18/05/2007
"Skillful, poised, subdued..
Tarun Mohanbhai - ONE MIC STAND
Wellington, Auckland
08/05/2007 - 19/05/2007
"This nerd needs to get out more..
Flywheel, Shyster, & Flywheel
15/05/2007 - 19/05/2007
"A strange show..
Mark Watson
14/05/2007 - 26/05/2007
"Hardly a dull moment..
Jeremy Elwood - Passport Control
Auckland, Wellington
09/05/2007 - 19/05/2007
"There’s a paradox in there somewhere..
"Very funny and likeable..
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Hot Pink Bits
Christchurch, Auckland, Wellington
14/05/2007 - 12/12/2009
"No place for inhibitions..
"Enlightening, enlivening, amusing..
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Lindauer Comedy Divas
Auckland, Wellington
14/05/2007 - 22/05/2007
"Viva les Divas..
"Sex, satire and daring to be different..
12/05/2007 - 09/06/2007
"Vague, confusing, distracting, and culturally risky..
"A problematic play..
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Comedy Cure - Fact or Fiction
Wellington, Auckland
09/05/2007 - 26/05/2007
"Enjoyable if light and a little green..
Jan Maree Eat Me
11/05/2007 - 25/05/2007
"A fusion of food and fornication..
05/05/2007 - 19/05/2007
"Musical comedy at its finest..
The Big Show
07/05/2007 - 19/05/2007
"England wins..
"An abundance of titters..
Dylan Moran
Invercargill, Christchurch, Auckland, Wellington
09/05/2007 - 15/05/2007
"Festival highlight..
"Bitching his way into our hearts..
Brendhan Lovegrove presents THE EMPERORS NEW SHOW
Wellington, Auckland
08/05/2007 - 26/05/2007
"Like gangsta rap for whiteys without the rhythm?..
"True stuff best..
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Ed Byrne - Standing Up, Falling Down
Auckland, Wellington
03/05/2007 - 12/05/2007
"A perfect mix of meaningful and hilarious..
"Angry, affable and lightly mocking..
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The Hunting of the Snark
08/05/2007 - 04/08/2007
"Entertaining trip to nonsense land..
"Filled with promise and a few surprises..
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Uncle Vanya
28/04/2007 - 02/06/2007
"Social satire moves and endures..
"More philosophic than active..
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Saturday Night Divas
10/05/2007 - 12/05/2007
"Low risk, amiable improv..