Cavern Club, 22 Allen St, Te Aro, Wellington

02/03/2023 - 04/03/2023

NZ Fringe Festival 2023

Production Details

Clarissa Chandrahasen & Lesa Macleod-Whiting

What’s inside this show’s juicy sealed section? Ten easy ways to be out-feministed by a toddler! How to cope when you find out your crush votes Act (womp womp) and a quick how-to guide in convincing your colleagues you’re working way harder than you really are.

Bossin’ it? More like doing the bare minimum and ✨thriving✨.

Rip into the Sealed Section, a hilarious hour of stand up from Wellington favourites and all-round winners Clarissa Chandrahasen and Lesa MacLeod-Whiting.

Cavern Club, 22 Allen Street, Te Aro, Wellington
Thursday 2 – Saturday 4 March 2023

Comedy , LGBTQIA+ , Theatre ,

Thoroughly entertaining and surprisingly educational hilarity

Review by Talia Carlisle 04th Mar 2023

Move over Dolly Doctor, comedy queens Clarissa Chandrahasen and Lesa Macleod-Whiting are here to answer your most burning questions in Sealed Section – an action-packed comedy hour that will have you wriggling with laughter.

Like its namesake – the unfiltered advice column from Australian Teen Dolly Magazine – Sealed Section has also sealed its doors for those who missed ripping into their early ticket sales. With limited seating at the Cavern Club, the three-show season sold out a week in advance helped by local media coverage, since the comedians are local celebrities. 

That’s right, they are worthy of being judged in Dolly Magazine’s ‘Skanky or Stylin’’ section from the magazine that closed in 2016 (No idea why!)

If I was a section from Dolly Magazine, I’d be the ‘Astro Love Spesh’, because all signs point to Sealed Section being the greatest possible night out. Being promised “a hilarious hour of stand-up” from these Wellington comedy favourites, Sealed Section does not disappoint.

Strolling into the Allen St bar on a Friday night, I can hear the buzz of excited chatter and smiles awaiting our stylin’ (and later to be revealed occasionally skanky) co-stars Lesa and Clarissa. They strut onto the stage like rockstars – and it isn’t a long walk to the stage luckily, or else the cheers would be endless.

First they call on the audience’s memories of ‘Sealed Section’ to ask readers whether the Dolly Doctor’s sex tips have proved to be helpful (turns out ice cubes are not a recommended feature in the bedroom). Then it is on to the main events. 

Clarissa starts with a great introduction, keen to demonstrate the perfect genetic combination for being fabulous, and how to win at life as well as in the work place. She includes a quote from César A. Cruz, which demonstrates her eye for poetry – another skill in her back pocket; she will later demonstrate her improvising skills too, to round out the show as a triple threat: “Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.”

All of us in the room will find ourselves relating to this, being both comfortable and a tiny bit disturbed during the show – mostly from thinking about those ice cubes… 

Lesa then takes these ideas further in her set by sharing unique skills which are beneficial for both the bedroom and good for the environment. She also updates us on why we should care about Three Waters – or drink three waters – it’s a tasty anecdote either way.

I particularly enjoy Lesa’s impressions of Lady MacBeth, her French accent, and her interpretations of Bible stories and how they remain relevant today – all while tossing in some snazzy catchphrases like “colour me astonished”. 

As Lesa says, “there’s something in the show for everybody”.

I leave feeling thoroughly entertained, surprisingly educated, and impatient for Lesa and Clarissa’s upcoming NZ International Comedy Festival solo shows, because this is one hell of a teaser.



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